Artwork on the front of game boxes

game publishers and developers spend hundreds of hours creating the art that
appears on the front of the game. Artists often work with game developers to
create unique pieces that will catch the eye of many game buyers. The back of
the box often features pre-rendered parts mixed with scenes from the game
itself. The back of the box may also include screenshots that show the game in
game covers feature three characters in a row. Others may use three giant heads
in the sky. The American cover of Chrono Trigger is much more colorful, and it
depicts the excitement of a battle. The American version wins this round, but
the Japanese cover is OK but not legendary.
art is often more striking than the game itself. The Alien Storm game box art
is a good example of this, as the box art was painted in a manner reminiscent
of the game's graphics style. The artist's style is reflected in the game's
difficulty and special powers.
Size of the game box
game box should match the size and weight of the game. For example, a box with
a large board and player tableau won't fit in a square box. However, a larger
box may be more appropriate for a game with smaller components. A large game
box can give potential players a better idea of what the game contains, which
can increase sales.
Value of game box
price of a mint-condition game box can reach more than PS1,000. However, there
are a few factors to consider. First, complete games are usually more valuable
than carts only. Also, damaged boxes can be sold separately. Also, some
collectors don't care about the box's condition.
factor in determining the value of game boxes is the game's rarity. Rare game
boxes can fetch up to $1,713 on average. This includes Nintendo 64 titles, such
as ClayFighter: Sculptor's Cut and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack. Although
these games were not particularly popular when they were first released, they
have a high value due to their rarity.